1. A support person maybe just someone who you talk to regularly that asks you how your savings plan is going. This person might not be a saver themselves. Yet it's someone who can remind you of your overall savings goal. Are you saving to pay off a loan? Or are you saving for a vacation? Whatever the goal, this person should know all about your motivations and will help remind you of the big picture.
2. Your savings partner can be a very active coupon user. It's best to trade coupons with someone who doesn't buy all the same foods you buy. This person may live on your street, or work in your office. Maybe it's another parent from your child's school. This person gives you coupons they do not want, and you reciprocate. It's a great way to cut coupon gathering time and costs.
3. Another type of savings support is having someone who helps you to keep track of your actual savings. Saving your receipts is a good way to review your progress and seeing the actual dollars add up. This person may also be in your Ibotta Teammate list. That person provides a little motivation to keep seeing all the deals and tally up your monthly and annual savings with you.
4. We often talk about what is saved when we buy groceries, but you need support at home to save as you consume groceries. Your family is a big support network. Sit them down and talk about how you can all help out by eating leftovers, packing snacks for the road, and not wasting half opened items. This area of savings takes help. If you are trying to to it all yourself you are going to be very tired and frustrated! Have a sit down at the kitchen table and get everyone on board. Maybe the kids need a goal too. For example, if you don't find a half consumed bottle of tea all week, you kids get to go to the movies.
One of the most frustrating things about being the saver in the family, is feeling like you are alone. You are not! There are so many savers in the County Market world, and you can connect with all of us. Use our Facebook page to share tips and successes of your savings adventure.
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