My darling sister has asked for a coupon organizer for Christmas. Since she has never been a saver, this was a total shock to me. Yet, I know several on my holiday list that are suddenly money conscious.
This is a good time to brainstorm some good gift ideas for the savers on your holiday list.
- Coupon Organizers. You can purchase Mead zip binders and clear baseball card pages online for any who wish to use the binder method of couponing. You can also download category titles and print them free by using our blog. Yes! We’ve had them up there for quite some time. That makes sorting coupons very easy.
- We have Coupon Wallets and Organizers we recommend on the blog The order will take you to the manufacturer. The Purse is $39.99 and the Wallet is $3.99 These are the same organizers we had for sale last June. Some stores have limited inventory left….check with your Customer Service counter.
Coupon Bundles. Most clipping services will offer a holiday bundle, or a New Year’s bundle. You can pay to have $10 in food coupons mailed direct to someone who would love new 2012 coupons. I’ve asked Lynn’s to put some easy to send holiday bundles online for CM customers.- Easy coupons related items like scissors, tape and highlighters. It would make an inexpensive “Kit” for someone just getting started. Throw in some stamps and envelopes for rebates.
- Refund Cents annual subscription. The magazine costs $18 for one year, or $5 for 2 years. Send payment by mail to Refund Cents, Box 969, Bountiful UT, 84011 Tell ‘em County Market sent you!
- Freezer shopping bags! We coupon users like to shop. Its great to have freezer bags handy in the car for when we need to spend a little more time shopping.
Gift Ideas:
Refund Cents
Lori Has 3 Kids
Coupon Organizers
For yourself, this is a great time to be looking for an energy efficient freezer. Don’t forget can racks, and shelving for all those stockpile goodies
Current Penny Pincher Match Up Penny Pincher coupon booklets are delivered monthly via direct mail. Ask your post person which day of the week your Penny Pincher will arrive.
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For additions Print N Save Coupons:
Print N Save Section of this Blog
Coupon Clipping Services:
Lynn’s Coupons and Refunding Service Put COUNTY MARKET FREE SHIPPING in check out for free shipping on your first order. This offer must be for a purchase greater than $5, and can not be combined with any other offer. She provides newspaper, non newspaper, coupons and rebate forms.Kuntry KlippersThis service specializes in newspaper coupons. Their fees vary but are between 10% and 15% of face value. They also run specials on products. They ship a bit slower, allow for 3-4 days in Illinois. All coupons are sold in sets of 20 like coupons. County Market shoppers also get Free Shipping with “First Time County Market” in check out box.
The Coupon Master has a mix of newspaper and non newspaper coupons. They ship quickly. Their handling fees are 10%-12% of face value. Shipping is quick, usually arrives in 3 days. They do carry rebate forms on the site.
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!