Saving every cent you can means stockpiles of your family’s favorite items. Most families will buy several core items over and over through the year. Buying when you have coupons and the item is on sale will save you more than 50% on those items.
Yet, the term scares some shoppers. They envision mass amounts of items that they will not use. They start to cringe at the thought of storing food and consumables on the dining room table. When properly managed, a stockpile saves you hundreds of dollars in a year, and will not include waste.
Stockpiling can be easy and any shopper can do it. Just follow some simple steps.
1. Make a list of 25 items you use regularly. These are the core of your 200 items you purchase per year. Focus on those items as being you biggest savers. NOTE: list the items USED not Purchased.
2. Find a place. You already have some space to stockpile now. The backs of your cabinets: Learn to stack your cans and jars 2-3 high and in lines in the cabinets. Most cabinets are too deep to see everything inside, this way you can store longer term deals to the back-yet still see if over the tops of other items.
3. Who says food has to be in the kitchen? Especially canned goods, and jars. I had a cabinet in the bathroom with nothing inside. Perfect for some stockpiled items. Also look at closets, under beds, and anyplace you can put a seal tight plastic storage container.
4. Clean out your impulse buys, that are collecting dust. We all get them. Time to move them out of the cabinets, and to someone who can use them. Keep note of the items you purchased but did not use in the past year.
5. Balance your list. If you list has all snack foods, you may need to re evaluate the list. You’ll need a well balanced stockpile should you want to make complete meals at any time with your goods.
6. Most foods will keep easily for a year. Even Cereal. If you start saving 50% on all items, it will stack up the savings.
7. Consider a freezer. If you do not currently own a deep freezer, you’re missing out on many deals. Most are reasonable priced. You can use your coupon and stockpile savings to pay for the investment. I purchased mine over 5 years ago, and paid for it in less than 2 months with the deals I was able to get couponing.
For additions Print N Save Coupons:
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County Market
Coupon Clipping Services:
Lynn’s Coupons and Refunding Service Put COUNTY MARKET FREE SHIPPING in check out for free shipping on your first order. This offer must be for a purchase greater than $5, and can not be combined with any other offer. She provides newspaper, non newspaper, coupons and rebate forms.
Kuntry Klippers This service specializes in newspaper coupons. Their fees vary but are between 10% and 15% of face value. They also run specials on products. They ship a bit slower, allow for 3-4 days in Illinois. All coupons are sold in sets of 20 like coupons. County Market shoppers also get Free Shipping with “First Time County Market” in check out box.
Coupons by Dede
This site sells full inserts, and clipped coupons. All of these coupons are newspaper coupons. The price is generally 15% of the face value of the coupon. You can buy 1 coupon, or 100 coupons. Shipping from this site is fairly fast. Very reliable service. She will run “Specials” on coupons when they get within 10 days of expiration.
The Coupon Clippers
is the largest clipping service in the country. They provide newspaper, non newspaper, coupons and rebate forms. They have good service, and a large selection. Being the largest, the hottest coupons disappear fast. However, they do get LOTS of coupons.
The Coupon Master has a mix of newspaper and non newspaper coupons. They ship quickly. Their handling fees are 10%-12% of face value. Shipping is quick, usually arrives in 3 days. They do carry rebate forms on the site.
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!