Friday, September 27, 2013

Use County Market Coupon Bins

Learning to make the most of your coupon bin is something we all need to explore.

1. I send starter coupons out every other week. Your hostess will give you half one week, half the next.  These are to get thing going and to “Feed”  the bins.  These coupons are great when they match up, and sometimes the club members redeem them all and they never hit the bins. 

2. The Club members are responsible for the bins.  There are only 12 sections,  Each person should take two area and sort out any expired ones.  Put the coupons in the right sections.  We have around 12 members, so that only leaves 1 bin per person and takes our club about 5 minutes. 

3. Try not to leave this work for your hostesss.  These bins are for all coupon users, so please help them out.

4. The public is invited to use the bins.  ANY of our stores, even ones without clubs will have a bin. Ask at customer service is you do not know where your bin is located.  Email me if we need to arrange a nationwide search!

5. Sometimes, the customers make a mess of the bins.  Should you see  a bin with 200 coupons in it, half expired, half good, it’s up to you to decide to spend the time to sort it.  I have often Cleaned House!  Just take a bin that is a mess and move them to the expired coupons pile. If it’s going to take an hour to clean one bin, it’s not worth the time.

6. Any coupon users who can not attend the local club can always drop off coupons at the Customer Service counter for the club.  We have 4 to 5 ladies who do this in Quincy. They just leave a zip bag marked “Good” one marked “Expired” and I pick them up weekly.  When I get to club, the good bag gets passed out right away to members.  We then add all coupons to the bins once we’ve all shared.

7. This is a good exchange.  The couponer who can not attend meetings gets coupons from the bins weekly, and the club gets first dibs on the donated coupons.  Win Win.

8. We have hundreds of coupon users for each store. It’s important that we all can work together even if the club time does not fit each person’s schedule.

9. Finally, the inserts. You get brand new inserts at club.  Please clip those, and donate your unwanted coupons to the bins.  That helps to keep the inventory fresh and the trade boards full of good coupons.

**Purge any medical coupons that clog up the bins….they just take up space.


For additions Print N Save Coupons:

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!