Friday, November 15, 2013

Learn To Stack

Stacking is using multiple coupons together to gain a larger discount on a set of products.  It has nothing to do with balance or carnival tricks!  Stacking is the art of combining a Store coupons with a Manufacturer’s coupon so that you get a discount from both companies on the purchase of 1 product.  Piggy backing is using multiple stacks to extend your savings to other items in the cart.  There is always an overlap between the two sets of Stacked coupons. 

Last week we had some new faces at our coupon club.  As some of our experience couponers were setting up their stacks, the newbie had lots of questions.  The following is an example of a great Piggy Back set.

1. We started with  a tearpad coupon for $1 on 1 Velveeta.
2. We stacked another tearpad coupon that said $2 on purchase of any 3 Kraft products:  Velveeta, Bacon bits, or Parmesan cheese.
3. The couponer decided to buy 1 Velveeta and 2 Parmesan cheese.
4. We added (2) $1 on 1 Parmesan cheese coupons. 
5. Another member at the club had a coupon for $1 off Chips when you buy Velveeta and Rotel. 
6. This is where the Piggy back comes into play.  It tied one set of buys to another. 
7. Add in a tearpad for $1on 2 Doritos.
8. The ad coupon required purchasing (3) 12 packs of Pepsi.  Pepsi was on sale.
9. We had (3) $.50 on 1 Pepsi coupons.
We piggy backed the Velveeta/parmesan Cheese Stack with the Pepsi/Chips stack.  They were not required to run together, but the discounts were good and could save another $1 by using both stacks in the same transaction. 
Ideally, we use any stacks or piggy backed coupons when the items we do NOT have a coupon match and is on sale.  In this cart full of deals, we did not have a coupon for Rotel.  Yet Rotel was on sale, so it was time to buy.  All the other items were covered with a coupon, or had a regular everyday low price. 

This couponer ended up saving over 70% on the set.  This was a good deal.  Many coupons evolve to piggy backing without realizing it.  They just see an overlap that leads them to the next good looking stack.   

This week, look to stack Cottonelle store, with Peelie Manufacturer coupon and earn a Catalina. 

For additions Print N Save Coupons:

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!