What can I say, I'm a winner! This is a high pay out game. So far I've won a Dole salad kit, Chobani yogurt, Kretchmar summer sausage -twice, Frito Lay variety chip bag, Lean Cuisine lunch, and a Betty Crocker cake mix. I love this winning. Your odds of winning are the same.
The game board is made up of pieces you collect to win. There are 5 MILLION dollars worth of prizes being given away. That's a lot of prizes. I think I want some. There are big prizes like $250,000 towards your mortgage, or new car or kitchen remodel. Then there are many smaller prizes like $25 in free groceries. I can feel the $25 grocery card coming my way...
I now have tons of store coupons that I can match up with other manufacturer's coupons. Love the per one item coupons. That allows me to be able to really maximize my savings. I literally have a baggie of just treasure hunt coupons inside my regular coupon organizer. Maybe 50. Last week, I redeemed over $39 in store coupons, and $20 in Manufacturer match ups.
Start playing and start saving money today!
For additions Print N Save Coupons:
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!