There’s a big 10 for $10 sale going on right now. We have so many items in the list, it would fill your cart. As a coupon user, we generally evaluate each sale and compare the sale price and match to a manufacturer’s coupon. Yet this week is a bit different.
I urge you to relook at the sale ad. There are a lot of deals in here that are less than what we normally see. There are few coupons out right now in newspaper inserts, and few available to print since it’s the last week of the month. Yet, the end price with this sale is pretty darn good!
Three matches in particular: Barilla, Starbuck’s K cups, and Kleenex may sneak by you. Yet when you add the newspaper coupon you’re well over 50% savings off the everyday low price.
Then there are items this week like Skippy peanut butter. I’ve been waiting to use my Treasure Hunt coupon. I shop Thursdays, so this is my last chance to use it. It’s not on sale, but this is the time to buy to get my lowest price and use my coupon.
This is why I say it’s a strange yet HOT sales week. The matches are not obvious. The Sale alone brings several store brands to the lowest price all year! So of course, if you’re looking for those items for your cabinets they should be in the cart this week.
I’m even looking at name brand items that never have a coupon, like Prairie Farms Sherbet. My husband would buy 5 gallon pails if they sold it. It’s on sale, I’ve no coupon and yet it made the list this week. Good thing too, he’s on his last container from my May stock up.
Share your thoughts openly this week. Your fellow couponers may have seen an item or have been following a price that will make you reconsider the deal. Good luck!
For additions Print N Save Coupons:
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!