My plans include a very aggressive way to pay for my daughter's post graduation trip to London. This is my goal. You need to have a goal too. It can be pay off a debt, or buy yourself something, or heck you can go to London! Your goal should have an exact amount of savings needed and a plan to get there.
My plan is $5000 in 18 months. Easy. Piece of cake! I'll be aggressive in the first 5 months then more laid back for the remaining 13. I'm going to use $20 in face value coupons weekly. As I do, I'll take that money and put it in an enovelope marked London. Fancy right? As I add the coupon money I'll also be filing rebates on groceries. When I cash those checks, it will go into the account too. Quick! Do the math, I'm not there. I'm only half way with this savings plan. So I have other things I will do to add to the London pile.
Other savings will come from cutting my weekly lunch out budget. I'm going to easily save myself by not buying drinks in restaurants or on the go for the entire time. I'm saving on Pet foods monthly by shopping more aggressively. I'm going to negotiate my kids waterpark passes for the summer (big cha ching) I will replace a paid online subscription with a free one I found this week, and I'm consolidating my son's homeschool subscriptions for a discount. Now I'm on a roll!
Did you know if you set a plan to save the exact same amount monthly that you'll get burned out and not feel like you are achieving your goals? It's true. Good old psychology gets you down. So that is why I'm saving the biggest amounts, or the toughest amounts first. Then the last months will be a breeze.
The point of this is that 2015 is coming. It's a good time to get serious about your savings motivation. Look around, where can you find a few dollars, and how will those dollars be used in your life? It may all start with coupons and end up in a vacation of a lifetime. Pick your goal, make your plans, and keep track. I'll be sharing my progress with you over the next 18 months.
12/29 London $0.00
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