There was a lady in line in front of me who purchased $288.32 in groceries and paid full retail for just about every single item. I was appalled. As a bargain shopper, I was shocked to see someone buy a bag of Keebler cookies for $5.99. Not even on sale! I had to wonder about this woman. Was she a wealthy woman and prided herself on how much she spent? Did she really not care? Did she need the cookies asap and couldn't wait for the next sale?
I stepped up to the cashier next. Loaded with Penny Pinchers, manufacturer's coupons, and my phone rebates. I tapped every single savings I could. I ended up with sale items totaling $20 in savings, then added $8 in coupons, $18 in Penny Pinchers, $3 on in my County Market wallet app, and $4 off Ibotta. Yeah me.
Some quick math let me know that I had saved over 30% on my small order. That got me thinking about the woman again. What if she had used apps and coupons? She couldn't have saved 30% totaling $86. I don't know about you, but I think $86 is quite a bit of money. Especially if you are shopping at least twice per month. That would pay the tv bill, the phone bill, or buy a new fancy outfit!
Apps are easy to use. They take seconds. Here is more information about how you too can start saving real dollars with apps.
Best Apps for Saving Money
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