Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Teaching the Family About Time and Coupons

We have been coupon shoppers for many years.  We started clipping back when my third child was born, and I decided to stay home with the kids.  That was an interesting time in my life!  The babies were filling my days with joy and chores, and it didn't take too long to realize that no one was filling my wallet anymore.

Once we got used to the new budget, we knew something had to change with our grocery shopping.  As I started looking into coupons I was immediately discouraged.  I remember going to my computer and searching for our favorite brands.  Most of what I typed into the search bar showed no coupons.  I couldn't figure out how coupon users really made it happen.

Couponing is not fast.  It seems like it should be a fast thing.  See a coupon, clip, claim, that's it.  Yet couponing is about planning, waiting, and securing your deals in a smart way.  It takes a good 90 days to feel like you are actually saving money.  Yes, there are those rare deals where you know you're buying baby food, and you suddenly have an awesome Beechnut coupon and Beechnut sale.  True savings, are about saving on all your groceries, not just a few items.

Now, I generally will use 20 savings coupons in a transaction.  Sometimes, it's more coupons, sometimes it's less. I never shop without saving 25%, and I try to save 50% on my entire cart.  At this point, I'm sure you're wanting to know what changed.  It was just time.  Your favorite brand may not be in this week's paper, on online this week, or on sale in the store this week.  It takes a bit of time to figure out what your "hot list" of brands includes, and then watch and wait for the coupon and the sale.

Time allows you to pick up multiples when you see a sale, and pick up multiples if there is a smoking hot sale.  Time also allows you to keep track of pricing.  You will need time to teach your self and your family about being patient, and planning out your meals and even snacks.  When you are buying a 3 month supply of ice cream, believe me, the whole family has to be on board and know how to ration those cones.

We've been a coupon family for quite a long time.  If you're new to couponing, this would be a good time to spend in our blog archives.  I've been working for County Market for 8 years and have the blog entries to prove it!  Any question you have about phone apps, rebates, planning a grocery list, etc we have here on this blog for you.  My best advice for new coupon users is to stick with it, and give yourself a little time.

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest.
For additional Print N Save Coupons:

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!