Kids are big time snackers. They snack at home. They snack after school. They snack in the car, and at events. Here are a few tips to help out with snack savings.
1. Buy the larger bag. You can purchase more for less per serving. Buy the larger portion, and split it in half. Pretzels, chips, nuts, and dried fruit can be placed in smaller cups or bags. Put half in the kids snack area for this week and half for next week.
2. Always ask for coupons from your kids favorite brands. Emails to their favorite snack are good, and phone calls are even better. Simply ask for a coupon, most companies will provide you an automatic discount.
3. Do the cutting yourself! When you cut up your own produce and cheese blocks. Kids need healthy snacks, and cutting it yourself will save some money.
4. Cut items in half! My husband has laughed for years when he goes to the freezer and finds ice cream sandwiches cut in half. Stretch the portions of each snack food.
5. Bake your own muffins, brownies, and cookies. Even if you have to buy the frozen or fridge items and bake them yourself. You can save a considerable amount when you bake yourself. Store mixes in the freezer to extend the shelf life.
6. Bananas. There's a reason people buy Milk, bread and bananas when a storm hits. They are nutritious and super cheap. Kids can grab a cheap snack that doesn't require refrigeration and lasts until next week.
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