1. If you can catch a sale, grab it! Why buy something when it is not deeply discounted? Coupon users are sales followers. We see a savings in many forms. It can be a coupon, loyalty card, or good old fashioned sale. Sales are the starter for any purchase. If you buy at full price, you are giving in to instant gratification. It may not seem like a lot hone you really want to eat your favorite $4.99 cereal, but it adds up to a lot when it's every single week for years. This works the same for jeans shopping, or even buying Kate Spade purses. It may be $600 in June, and $400 in October. Waiting for a sale can save a lot of money.
2. Did you know that 40% of coupon users said that they feel smarter when they save money with coupons? It's good for our emotional state to feel better about ourselves. When you apply coupons to groceries, and then expand to gasoline sales, clothing, household goods, furniture, and then jump to mortgage shopping, automobiles and vacations, you can really add up your savings.
3. Snowball savings applies to your pantry stockpile AND to your household savings account. Dave Ramsay is an icon for saving money, and continually talks about your debt snowball. It's where you take one payment, pay a little extra until it paid off. Then you take that amount of money and add it to your next payment until you are able to pay off all your debts. This snowball effect works the same in stocking your pantry and freezer with budget friendly foods. You can build a nest of savings with your consumables just like you can eliminate debts.
4. Every American has access to over 1000 coupons on average per year. Once you figure out how to be above average, you can redeem more than 1000 digital app coupons, just at County Market. Then you can add other digital coupons or rebates from sources like Ibotta, or Fetch. All of a sudden you are getting email coupon, mailbox coupons and exclusive deals from top retailers. Coupon users save thousands on the same items that non couponers pay full price.
Every lesson we teach about saving money at County Market can be applied to every single expenditure you have this year. To learn more, visit our blog for additional lessons!
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All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!