Are you getting good at coupon shopping? Have you ever thought, “I’m so good at this, I should be shopping for other people.” Then maybe you should.
There are lots of shoppers who do not have either the time or desire to coupon shop. Yet everyone wants to save some extra money. Here are some ways which some coupon professionals shop for others and make some extra money.
Blind Shopper. This is where your friends or family members give you $50 per month, and say, “Buy me what you can get a deal on.” They don’t know what they are getting, but they know they are going to get far more than $50 in goods. Get 4 participants, and a total of $200 to spend on goods. When shopping plan to split the inventory by 5. One share for yourself pays for your goods and time.
Weekly or Bi weekly Shopper. This is where someone hires you to shop for them weekly off a list. They have things they need, and will pay for their groceries, and will pay you an extra $25 too. Then you get half of what you save them with coupons as a bonus. If you do your shopping and theirs at the same time, it will not take long. Anyone who hires a cleaning lady, would be interested in a personal shopper. Talk to anyone you know who cleans, for suggestions. A small classified ad would be good too.
Mass Shopper. Many
community centers, retirement villages or neighborhoods, and
professionals like someone to shop for them. They are willing to pay you
to use your judgment and pick up the goods. If it’s a large order each week, you should earn $25 per hour as a shopper. PLUS-gas money.
Stockpile Seller. This is where you work hard annually to get deals to resell to others. As you get an item for $.50, mark that you want to sell if for $1 to friends or family. Many people want to save a little money on everyday products, why not compensate yourself?
Do not forget the value of the trade. Many people would trade you goods they have for goods they need. Your stockpile can be very useful in trading for unwanted gift cards, car washes, or services. Just ask! You may be surprised what a friend my have an abundance of in their home. Maybe it’s household items new in box or they will watch the kids for you in kind.
For additions Print N Save Coupons:
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!