Our family just moved. We bought a new house, and moved everything we own, Including my stockpile. Can you image? I didn't tell the movers what was in the boxes, I just packed. Those were some really heavy boxes all marked “Storage.”
Some interesting things came up in the move. First, I looked online for movers checklists. It was really odd to me that people had to be told to have basics on hand during the move days. Things like extra boxes of trash bags, or zip bags, or even toilet paper! It just seems like a natural thing to a coupon user like me to already have those items in the house. I didn’t need to go spend money to move. Yet most people were chatting online about all the extra expense. They were of course running out and paying whatever the day’s price happened to be for all their moving needs. How silly.
Second, I was surprised at how having food ready to fix was such a wonderful little gift. It made throwing together a pasta salad and chicken salad sandwiches a snap. Having things like the cases of bottled water from the County Market’s recent sale was good to have on hand. I kept hearing people say things like, “Oh, it gets so old eating out or ordering pizza while you’re moving.” We were grilling and having great home cooked meals.
My resolve on the many reasons to coupon shop is not only strengthened by my stockpile, but my overall savings in the past 8 years. We would have never made this move without the changed spending habits. I estimate that because of Coupons, I save my family over $10,000 per year. Some is direct coupons, some is the Freebies I pick up, and even more is the change in how I shop that account for the overall amount. That $80,000 over the past years was a HUGE help in buying a larger nicer home.
My thoughts in sharing this with you, is to motivate you to your next goal. Maybe your goal is to have enough paper goods on hand, that you never have to run out for extras. Maybe you want to pay off a debt, or in 8 years buy a new home. Whatever your goal, stick to it. It maybe $1 at a time, but when you redeem $15 per week, then Add sale prices of $20 per week, and rebates, and expand to other expenditures in your home, Wham! You’re saving money.
I had no idea when I began clipping way back in 2005 that I’d be looking at such a large change in my lifestyle. It’s More than Enough to Get By.
For additions Print N Save Coupons:
All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!