Monday, December 31, 2018

Vision for Savings

It’s time again this year to reflect and make some plans!  I’m ready to make my 2019 vision board.  Technically, I make a vision book.  I like getting artistic and crafty with my planning. I usually take an old discarded book and alter it to make it my vision book for the new year. 

The idea of vision boards or books is not new.  A vision board project allows you to take some time to sit down and look at your life.  Family, Finance, Employment, Religion, Health, or any other focus you may have for yourself.  You then visualize where you want to be with each in the coming year. 

My vision book is impacted by my choices at the grocery store in two categories!  Financial goals, how I budget the household, and health and wellness.   If I wanted to push it, my family time generally revolves around gatherings and food, so maybe three!  It seems like every year, as I start look at vision for the next year, I always start with those financial things I can cut, or keep low, in order to budget for additional things I want.  Most people look at their disposable income in this way.  It’s the expenses that you have control over that lead you to having money for the things you want.

Other disposable income items other than groceries include, memberships, dining, entertainment, gasoline, utilities, and donations.  Many of these categories can go up or down depending on how closely you follow your actuals through the year.  I admit, every summer my spending goes up without planning.  I just spend more doing things with the kids than I ever plan.  Maybe a last-minute trip or buying sports items or supplies for my daughter’s art projects.  Whatever the case, I now plan to overspend in the summer months. 

Groceries in general, are the category that people try to immediately cut.  In my experience, I can take more weekend trips, and big vacations in the summer if I plan to spend MORE at the grocery store, and less dining out.  My biggest budget enemy is lunches while working, and convenience stops when the kids are with me in the car.  It’s a lot!  I can spend $35 buying fast food for our family, or I can buy groceries and put them in convenience packages for an entire week for $35.  Take a look at your grocery budget, then honestly look at what you are paying for work lunches, or dinners out, and even what you are paying for “Being late and tired.”  That amount far exceeds what picking up an extra $20 in premade chicken salad for quick sandwiches, or a box of crackers and cheese slices would run for these lunches or snacks.

Health and Wellness is my next category.  Yes, like everyone else I’d like to lose weight.  I realize I don’t want to exercise, so it probably won’t happen.  I can however make myself and family a bit healthier.  Junk food is our nemesis.  I love salty snacks and I cannot lie!  So, for me, it’s finding substitutions at the grocery store.  I have found that I enjoy Nabisco’s rice based Good Thins over crackers.  Less wheat and gluten, and I love having a bean-based dip or even a taco type dip instead of chips.  This is the type of thing I look to add to my grocery buys and sub out the less healthy items. We do not run to the doctor’s office a lot.  As a matter of fact, no one in our family went last year.  Healthy eating is a big part of overall health.  Stress reduction is also something that will keep the family healthy.  Not stressing over money, helps.

Once you take a look at your true grocery budget (with some funds shifted away from restaurants, and high dollar convenience foods). It’s time to get serious with your 52-week shopping list.  It’s okay to put on the list “Go Foods” So that you remember to pick them up when you’re in the store.  Easy things like, Chicken breast fillets that can be grilled and tossed in the freezer make up quick salads, or sandwiches without having to run in the door and fix a full meal.  Sting cheese, applesauce cups, Jell-O cups, baggies for crackers or cuts of meat are great things to have on hand before you leave home. 

Next, gather coupons.  Get the My County Market phone app on your phone.  Print coupons from all the major online sites and set a monthly alarm on either your phone or computer.  Use other coupon apps to earn gift cards off everything you buy by scanning receipts. 

If you have never sat down and made a vision for your future year, this may take longer than a day.  That’s okay!  Review and revise your vision as you go.  There is not a wrong way to do this.  Just thinking it through will get you to your goals.  To have ongoing help, follow us on Facebook at County Market Coupon News, we are all savers who look to save money, and allow our families to have more health and comfort all year long.

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All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

It Starts with Coupons, Ends with Big Screen TV's

Couponing is a way of life. It usually starts with the one expense we can control weekly, our groceries, and ends with large purchases like big screen TV's and cars. Once you get the hang of saving money, you start to apply those practices to all aspects of your life.  There are some coupon lessons that easily transfer to all expenditures.

1.  If you can catch a sale, grab it!  Why buy something when it is not deeply discounted?  Coupon users are sales followers.  We see a savings in many forms. It can be a coupon, loyalty card, or good old fashioned sale.  Sales are the starter for any purchase.  If you buy at full price, you are giving in to instant gratification.  It may not seem like a lot hone you really want to eat your favorite $4.99 cereal, but it adds up to a lot when it's every single week for years.  This works the same for jeans shopping, or even buying Kate Spade purses.  It may be $600 in June, and $400 in October.  Waiting for a sale can save a lot of money.

2.  Did you know that 40% of coupon users said that they feel smarter when they save money with coupons?  It's good for our emotional state to feel better about ourselves.  When you apply coupons to groceries, and then expand to gasoline sales, clothing, household goods, furniture, and then jump to mortgage shopping, automobiles and vacations, you can really add up your savings.

3.  Snowball savings applies to your pantry stockpile AND to your household savings account.  Dave Ramsay is an icon for saving money, and continually talks about your debt snowball.  It's where you take one payment, pay a little extra until it paid off.  Then you take that amount of money and add it to your next payment until you are able to pay off all your debts.  This snowball effect works the same in stocking your pantry and freezer with budget friendly foods.  You can build a nest of savings with your consumables just like you can eliminate debts.

4.  Every American has access to over 1000 coupons on average per year.  Once you figure out how to be above average, you can redeem more than 1000 digital app coupons, just at County Market. Then you can add other digital coupons or rebates from sources like Ibotta, or Fetch.  All of a sudden you are getting email coupon, mailbox coupons and exclusive deals from top retailers.  Coupon users save thousands on the same items that non couponers pay full price.

Every lesson we teach about saving money at County Market can be applied to every single expenditure you have this year.  To learn more, visit our blog for additional lessons!

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Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

5 Ways to Bake for Less

The cookies need to be baked!  It's time to save money on all those baking needs.  Ingredients for good baking are relatively inexpensive.  Flour, sugar, and eggs are staples at the grocery store and often viewed as CHEAP items.  However, when baking in mass, those items can really throw your December budget.

Some baking items like butter or chocolate chips are considered expensive, and need to be purchased on sale, or with a coupon.  Not to mention those odd things we buy only once a year like coconut flakes, or toffee bits!  These things are something we need for holiday candy and confections, and by the time we load up the cart with multiples of all of them, it's $40 extra bucks!

Here are 5 ways to save money on all your baking needs:

1.  Use the Penny Pincher for Sugars.  All sugars are included, granulated, brown, and powdered.  $1.49 for any 2.  Yes, I'll buy more by shopping with multiple trips.  You can too.  C&H has a coupon on their Redplum site for $1 on 2.  You can print it twice!

2.  Save on sticks of butter!  I go through a lot of butter when making cookies.  Usually I end up using 12 sticks of butter.  Goodness!  I like to buy when Prairie Farms is on sale, from $3.99 on sale 2/$5, just wait for it, and I use coupons.  I freeze my butter quarters all the time on the door of my fridge.  They are small and freeze for months!  I try to keep two boxes there and rotate one to the fridge.  In December it won't matter when the store puts them on sale, I'm ready to go for less.

3.  Utilize all the digital offers you can. We make it easy to install the free Digital coupon app from County Market.  It will have a few baking coupons mixed into the offers.  Be sure to add them to your max card before you shop at the store.

4.  Search your unique ingredients brand websites for offers.  Who doesn't love Hershey?  But did you take a look for Karo Syrup, Baker's Square, or McCormick food coloring?  Whatever ingredient you need, just google them for a coupon.

5.  It's an oldie but a goodie, pick up extra newspaper inserts for the holidays.  There are always Nestle, Hershey, and other baking coupons during the Nov and Dec months.  If you missed Nov, you can buy them online from clipping services and have them shipped to you within two days.  Savings can be $1 to $15 on your baking goods with just newspaper insert coupons.

Come visit at County Market Coupon News on Facebook

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

3 Mistakes You May be Making When You Shop

As we drift from Thanksgiving, I am recalling some of the conversations we had in the kitchen.  My daughter has been buying her own groceries for a grand total of 6 months.  She had many, many questions about how to save money on her groceries.  It was interesting to me, that even with a mom who teaches people how to save money, there were a few basics she was missing.

One of the things she told me she was doing, was to go to the store, grab a circular and start shopping.  She was not looking ahead!  I almost always take a place at the week to come before getting into the store.  It's free!  It saves money!  It's Easy!  All anyone needs to do is look at the upcoming sale week online.  As a matter of fact, you're online right now, so you can do it now.  All the weekly circulars, Penny Pinchers and Web Specials (items not advertised in print), are available on the My County Market site.

The second thing she was doing was not splitting up her budget into three parts.  1/3 of her budget should be for Instant gratification!  1/3 for Meal planning specials, and 1/3 for longer term pantry staples.  This allows her to build a base of foods for less money, and have that resource for providing inexpensive meals in the future 90 days.  This is very important to saving money.  Plan for up to 13 weeks, aka 90 days of budget friendly meals that YOUR family will like.  If you see a key ingredient on sale, and there is a coupon for it, buy multiples to get you through that time period.  For example, if you see Rotel tomatoes, and you love making a chili with that brand, buy it when it's $.79 not when it's $1.19 each.  You will buy 8 for this period, and save $3.20 on just that one item.  By the time you do this with all of your favorite 80 products, you will save $240 in a 90 day period, or $960 in a year. That is just on your pantry staples of favorite foods.

The third topic we discussed is how to save money on those high dollar, instant gratification items.  We talked about how buying your favorite brand frozen pizza weekly at full price and really inflate your budget.  Let's say for example, you love having a Screamin's Sicilian pizza in the freezer for Screamin' Sicilian website, ask for a coupon by mail, and look for additional easy to pick up coupons from newspapers and online clipping sites.  Then when it's on sale for $4.99, and she has a stock of $1 on 1 coupons, she can pick up 6 of them for $3.99 each.  Wow!  She'd save $12 just on pizza for 6 weeks.  She could use that $12 saved in her budget to fill her pantry with budget groceries like rice, beans, canned goods, frozen vegetables, broth, seasonings, and baking mix.  All of a sudden she is filling up her long term, and satisfying her instant gratification needs at the same time.
when you just don't feel like cooking.  It's normally $5.99.  Yes, it' less than ordering pizza, but it's also a high dollar "Luxury" grocery to coupon shoppers.  I advised my daughter to plan for the next sale.  To plan she needs to get coupons from the

Finally, she said her budget for two 20+ somethings, for a month was $200. I find that most coupon and budget friendly folks can make it on $20 per person, per week.  So she is going to shoot for $160 next month.  It may take some time to build that pantry base and really get there, but I think she can do it and will find she has MORE money in her budget for salty snacks, frozen treats, and a splurge here and there in the meat department.

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Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Stress Free Thanksgiving

My home has played host to our family Thanksgiving meals for the past several years.  Those first few years were very hectic.  I remember trying to clean, cook, and decorate until it was exhausting.  The best way to handle all of these extra tasks is to split them up.  Here are 5tips to remove stress for your to do list:

1.  Delegate!  You do not need to do everything.  It doesn't matter if it's cleaning the silverware or washing up the glasses.  Share the burden by assigning some tasks to other family members.

2.  Start early.  I start preparing little bits at a time as soon as November arrives.  You can clean up the turkey roaster, pull out the serveware and dust the baseboards in the dining room now.  Do not try to clean the entire house the same week of Thanksgiving. 

3.  Pick your menu early.  The sooner you know which classic dishes and which new dishes you are going to prepare, the quicker you can make your shopping list and gather all your savings tools.  You can go ahead and split your shopping into 3 sections.  Bake ahead, non perishables, and fresh ingredients.  This will allow you to split your shopping trip into budgetable amounts.

4.  Clear spaces.  It will help to clear any clutter off countertops, tables and in your fridge and freezer before you begin your grocery shopping.  You may consider cleaning out a summer cooler for extra items if space is an issue. 

5.  Plan Fun.  A big part of spending Thanksgiving with my family includes baking dinner rolls with Jimmy, baking pies with Avry and Katy.  My husband and I have a glass of wine together before the guests arrive.  We have small traditions, that make all the work fun.  Be sure to plan time into your schedule for some kitchen chat and memory making. 

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest.
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All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Best Times to Save

My favorite times to coupon shop are when the stores have everything on sale!  Holiday weeks have more items on sale than regular weeks.  They often advertise items very low to entice shoppers to spend a bit more.  As a coupon user, I know that these weeks are loaded with top manufacturer offers too.  Manufacturers start to issue their coupons in newspaper inserts, with printable links, and digitally about 14 days before the holiday itself.  This makes a perfect time to coupon shop.

The best holiday weeks may seem obvious, and with a little planning ahead you can really stock up your cabinets for a lot less money.  In my 10+ years as a coupon expert for County Market, I have found that some holidays are better than others.  Here is my top list:

#6 Easter.  This week is the time we first see spring grocery brands peek out.  Ham is on the cover of every ad, and bunny cakes fill the bakery.  I usually look for side dish staples that can be adde to any meal during this weekly sale.  Items like Velvet shells and cheese, or Rhodes dinner rolls are sure to be on sale.  Why? Because they go well with ham!  Eggs are also a deal for Easter, so think ahead to any menus that you can rely on eggs.  Cakes like Pillsbury, Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker will have deals, breakfast casseroles companions like Jimmy Dean, or frozen bagged veggies from Green Giant, and French toast companions like Aunt Jemima Syrup make wonderful cheap food selections when the eggs are so cheap.  Gather those coupons, and be prepared.

#5 Memorial Day and Labor Day.  I put these two together because the sales are almost identical.  Usually you will find lots of  convenience foods.  Lots of Deli deals, lunch meat like Land Of Frost, and Kretchmeier, look for soda and alcohol beverage deals, many easy to prepare kit types of foods.  You'll see either Oscar Mayer or Nathan's hot dogs in the ad.
Lays Chips usually hit the front page.  Look for peels from Lays about 2 weeks before each holiday for free dips when you buy 2 chips.  Easy open a can types of foods are in these sales like Bush's Baked beans, or Suddenly Salad pasta kits, and even Dole Canned fruits. Look for huge deals in condiments in both these sales.  KC Masterpiece and Sweet Baby Rays often hit the front page, and just about any brand of ketchup, mustard, mayo and relish will be on sale.  Have your coupons ready.

#4 Cinco De Mayo.  This may be our families favorite sale.  Everything in the ethnic Mexican foods aisle goes on sale.  All I have to do is collect all the brand coupons a few weeks before the first week fo May and plan to stock up for the next 6 months.  If you never prepare tacos, nachos, or baked burrito pie, this holiday may not be for you.  In our house, we make all these foods regularly.  Start planning in March.  Send emails to your favorite brands like Wholly Guacamole, Old El Paso, Herdez, Chi Chi's, or Mrs. Renfro's to ask for coupons.  You will have them in time for the store to put your items on sale. Tip:  Ask for Margarita ingredient brands too.

#3 Christmas This is probably the holiday you think of first when talking about shopping.  With grocery sales, it's decent, but not the top.  We often see deep discounts in the meat department.  You'll also find seafood selections on sale, and plenty of pre made cheese and fruit plate deals.  For coupon shopping you will need to look for items that go along with party planning.  Look for deals on Nabisco crackers, Kraft cheeses, Prairie Farms ingredients, and all spices.

#2 Thanksgiving.  It's a doozie.  Full ad, that usually runs longer than a week.  Of course you will find deals on Turkey.  Keep in mind, you can usually pick ups frozen turkey for the same price as a chicken!  I tend to pick up a couple, then make a turkey for soups and stews in January.  If you want, take your frozen turkey to the meat counter and have it sawed in half.  You'll also find all kinds of coupon match ups this week.  Look for regular coupon brands like Campbell's, French's, Rhodes, Sister Schuberts, Pillsbury pie crusts, Cool Whip, and many more.
 They will ALL be on sale, and most will have coupons that match.  This week's sale is so big, you'll find many more items marked down once you get in the store.  I usually cut my shopping the week prior just to double up my goods this week.  I normally would spend $100 per week, but for this time, I skip the week prior and spend $200 in one week.  I can get $400 for $200 easily.

#1 New Year's Eve. Does this surprise you?  That New Year's is at the top of my list?  It is a little surprising. The brands on sale here are pantry staples.  All the things you need to make appetizers, or to flavor other foods.  I usually stock up with pepperoni peppers, olives, roasted red peppers, cans of green chili's, and cream cheese.  Many of these items are shelf stable, and many are freezer worthy.  Look for coupons that expire 12/31 and use them up this week.
There are also deals and matches on mixers in the liquor department, and baking ingredients you can use year round.  Paper goods like plates, cups, and utensils go on sale.  Add in some everyday things like toilet paper and laundry detergent and you have a winner.  This week most shoppers are not shopping.  The stores know it and are enticing you with great coupon matches.

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All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!
Come visit at County Market Coupon News on Facebook

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Don't Try Saving Money Without One of These

Saving money isn't easy.  There are many distractions in stores like fresh cooked donuts, or a nice roast sale, or even a bag of Cheetos in the Penny Pincher book!  Staying focused on saving money for your family is hard.  That's why I suggest you do not even attempt to try to save money with someone to help you.  Who is your support person?  Do you have one?  Let's talk about where to find one and what types of things you can do if you become someone else's saving money support person.

1.  A support person maybe just someone who you talk to regularly that asks you how your savings plan is going.  This person might not be a saver themselves. Yet it's someone who can remind you of your overall savings goal.  Are you saving to pay off a loan?  Or are you saving for a vacation?  Whatever the goal, this person should know all about your motivations and will help remind you of the big picture.

2.  Your savings partner can be a very active coupon user.  It's best to trade coupons with someone who doesn't buy all the same foods you buy.  This person may live on your street, or work in your office.  Maybe it's another parent from your child's school.  This person gives you coupons they do not want, and you reciprocate.  It's a great way to cut coupon gathering time and costs.

3.  Another type of savings support is having someone who helps you to keep track of your actual savings.  Saving your receipts is a good way to review your progress and seeing the actual dollars add up.  This person may also be in your Ibotta Teammate list.  That person provides a little motivation to keep seeing all the deals and tally up your monthly and annual savings with you.

4.  We often talk about what is saved when we buy groceries, but you need support at home to save as you consume groceries.  Your family is a big support network.  Sit them down and talk about how you can all help out by eating leftovers, packing snacks for the road, and not wasting half opened items.  This area of savings takes help.  If you are trying to to it all yourself you are going to be very tired and frustrated!  Have a sit down at the kitchen table and get everyone on board.  Maybe the kids need a goal too.  For example, if you don't find a half consumed bottle of tea all week, you kids get to go to the movies.

One of the most frustrating things about being the saver in the family, is feeling like you are alone.  You are not!  There are so many savers in the County Market world, and you can connect with all of us.  Use our Facebook page to share tips and successes of your savings adventure.

Come visit at County Market Coupon News on Facebook

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

WANT Shopping VS NEED Shopping

Saving money with coupons is easy. So easy, that it is widely accepted as a way to quickly cut some money out of your budget when you need a quick cut back.  Coupons and curbed grocery shopping is the number one tip on many lists of ways to save money immediately.  Few people see the long term use of coupons and grocery smarts as the way to long term savings success.

Long term coupon shopping can effect the way you shop for everything.  As you gather your coupons weekly, look at the sales and start to become aware of price cycles you will find that your impulse buying is naturally curbed.  You no longer NEED to buy groceries today, because you have several things on hand to cover your meals for the next few days.  You do not NEED to pay full price on coffee or your favorite soft drink because you already have one on the shelf that you saved money on when you bought it.  You do not NEED to pick up snacks or convenience food because it's something you are always on the lookout for and you recognize a good price and an advertised price.

WANT still exists.  Sometimes I want to prepare a food I'm craving, and I WANT it now!  Usually I have most of the ingredients and only need a couple thing.  One or two items of WANT per week is not going to blow your weekly or annual budget.  The other 90 to 120 items you buy are all either coupon steals, or sale deals.  So you are saving money on each and every one of those items.  The WANT will only add a couple dollars to your cart total.

It's the long term curbing of the NEED's that will yield the highest savings.  In my home, I keep the grocery budget.  Anytime I am way under on that budget I find lots of ways to spend my surplus on my kid, or family.  Many times, I save that grocery surplus for trips.  I keep a little passbook savings account at a local bank to put deposits.  This gives me a chance to really see the savings.  Once, we went to Disney on 18 months of coupon savings.  We didn't hold back on that trip!  Most recently, I took our grocery savings from last spring and we travelled to Niagara Falls.  Travel is my thing.  I love vacations and seeing new places.  I allow my NEEDs and WANTs to pay for my travels.

My grocery savings have changed the way I buy just about everything.  Back in my 20's, if I wanted a
new computer, I just picked it out, plopped it on a credit card and bought it.  Now I wait.  I look for a sale of the exact item I want.  I don't get temped to buy a box of cereal, when I really want a jar of pickles.  I'm more discriminating as a buyer.  I look for long term use of products and value more than immediate gratification.  For example, I buy clothes that are wearable in multiple seasons, and skip that winter coat that only looks good a couple times per year. This comes from my experience of buying shelf stable goods that are used in multiple recipes, and skipping the sauce or flavoring that is only good in one recipe.

Of course, I look for sales on household items more now.  There was a time when decorating the house was driven by the latest home trend.  Now I decide exactly the look I want, and realize that sales cycles do repeat.  Just like at County Market, I will see my favorites on sale sometime within a four month window.  Patience will reward me with huge discounts.  Why buy that cool lamp today when I can save 50% on it if I just wait a few weeks? Then there's always that question of do I NEED a new lamp or WANT a new lamp?

Saving money this week, or this month is fast.  You can see the savings very quickly, but they are not huge dollars.  It's when you add up the weeks, and months to see that over all in one average year you can save up to $2000 for your family with little effort.  It really shifts the way you will shop for everything.

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Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Don't Make This Savings Mistake

Some shoppers simply don't want to coupon shop.  They don't have access to a smartphone, or a reliable newspaper insert service.  There are many reasons most people do not coupon shop. I've heard just about every excuse possible over the past 9 years.  Only about 6% of all shoppers are bargain driven coupons.  The other folks, would rather do something else to save money.  Coupons are something they don't want to do.  The good news is that they can still save a lot of money, thousands of dollars, by avoiding this one shopping mistake.

Don't buy just one item.  That's the biggest mistake shoppers make.  They see an item on sale, and they pick up one item and put it in their cart.  No one brags about saving $.30 at the grocery store.  No one loads up their next 401K deposit with $.30 at a time. It's the dollars, and hundreds that people want to save. Buying multiple items compounds your savings.

Let's say this week at County Market there are 130 items on sale.  You guessed it, there actually are 130 items on sale weekly at County Market!  Every week there are sale items, web specials, and clearance items all on sale.  Now let's say that 30 are brands and products you buy regularly. What if you picked up ONLY sale items this week while you shopped?  Now let's say that you figured out that you need 8 of most of them to be 6 month supply.  Now you're putting 48 sale items in your cart and saving $72 on the goods.  Now we are talking about a small chunk of money.

Let's take this scenerio a bit further.  Now let's say that each week when you shop, you actually save $72 from purchasing sale items, and placing those savings in your cabinets to fill you up over a 6 month period. Each week, you save money, and rotate your inventory.  You suddenly find that you have a surplus of shelf stable pantry foods, purchased at a low price, and you have money left over in your budget to do other things. In six months time, you are "Caught Up" in the sales/savings cycle and regularly have a lower budget.

An average shopper can become a sales shopper and save $3744 per year.  This is for an average family of 4.  Now think about all the things you can do with your extra $3744 this year.

Come visit at County Market Coupon News on Facebook

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Great SNACK Attack

When I take a look at my grocery receipt, I see that meal prep is very organized.  I take full advantage of sale items, add coupons, and split up bulk buys for future meals.  It's the easy part of shopping!  It's the snacking that takes some work.

Kids are big time snackers.  They snack at home.  They snack after school.  They snack in the car, and at events.  Here are a few tips to help out with snack savings.

1.  Buy the larger bag.  You can purchase more for less per serving.  Buy the larger portion, and split it in half.  Pretzels, chips, nuts, and dried fruit can be placed in smaller cups or bags. Put half in the kids snack area for this week and half for next week.

2.  Always ask for coupons from your kids favorite brands.  Emails to their favorite snack are good, and phone calls are even better.  Simply ask for a coupon, most companies will provide you an automatic discount.

3.  Do the cutting yourself!  When you cut up your own produce and cheese blocks.  Kids need healthy snacks, and cutting it yourself will save some money.

4.  Cut items in half!  My husband has laughed for years when he goes to the freezer and finds ice cream sandwiches cut in half.  Stretch the portions of each snack food.

5.  Bake your own muffins, brownies, and cookies.  Even if you have to buy the frozen or fridge items and bake them yourself.  You can save a considerable amount when you bake yourself.  Store mixes in the freezer to extend the shelf life.

6.  Bananas.  There's a reason people buy Milk, bread and bananas when a storm hits.  They are nutritious and super cheap.  Kids can grab a cheap snack that doesn't require refrigeration and lasts until next week.

Come visit at County Market Coupon News on Facebook

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!