Wednesday, May 31, 2017

BOGO Berries are back

It's my favorite sale of the year!  I love the BOGO berries.  It's not just great because it inclues blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.  It is fantastic because of all the things you can do with these berries.

My menu planning around berries is extensive.  I always get two of every berry with the coupons from the weekly ad.  Then i start making my menu up.  Most of the berries will be eaten fresh, a few will go into smoothie packs.

Our family loves having fruit at breakfast and with salads.  We'll have some over night oats in the fridge.  Then we'll make up some fresh pancakes with berries on top. Let's not forget a fresh omelet for the weekend with a berry medley on the side.  We love our breakfast berries.

Then we move on to the salads.  A nice vinegarette dressing, or a poppy seed, will make any salad good with berries.  Pick up some romaine lettuce, add some chopped pecans, maybe some mandarin oranges or a cut apple and top with berries.  Yum!

You are limited on the per transaction of berries, but you can shop more than once this week.  I'll probably pop back into the store at the week's end for more fresh BOGO berries.

Check out our facebook page for recipes for berries all this week. 

Visit County Market Coupon News Cookin w Coupons's profile on Pinterest.
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