Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cookin with Coupons

Welcome to Cookin' with Coupons.  Have you heard of these people who manage to live on foods they managed to get for a fraction of the shelf price?  Do you ever think, "I wish I could cook an entire meal that cost under $5."  You can, you just need a little planning help.  My family of 5 manages to cook great home made meals with lots of extras for $88 per week.  Join this blog (signup to the right) to learn how to run your kitchen smoother, and keep your money in your wallet.

In order to cook with coupons, you need to be able to continually build and rotate your pantry and freezer stock.  You're already following our coupon blog, so you probably have some of these items stocked now.  If you're brand new, we'll help you identify what you'll need in the future as the sales are announced weekly.

August 29th, we have our labor day sale.  It's packed with possibilities!

Meal #1  Fresh Hamburgers on the grill
BUY:  Ground Beef on sale for $1.79 lb.  Buy 2 lbs for $3.78 and use a $3.50 off ground beef coupon from Kings Hawaiian to only pay $.28.  The coupon requires you buy Kings Hawiian Buns (choice) and Wholly Guacamole. You can use the King's $.75 on 1 newspaper coupon on the buns to extra savings in this set. Pair your burgers with Bush's Grilling Beans (Steakhouse recipe goes well with Burgers) on sale for $1.69.  This is a low price, you'll want to stock your pantry with these for future side dishes. Pick up Lettuce and tomato from produce to compliment the meal.
FROM STOCK:  Add Fresh salad prepared with dressing and croutons from previous week's deals. A quick tossed salad makes it a meal.

Meal #2  Mexican Fiesta Night
BUY:  Sanittas Chips for on sale 2 for $5.  Plan for one more pound of ground beef.  Use Ortega coupons to pick up a packet of seasoning and save $1 on 2.  Mario Olives are on sale 4 for $5, and you have coupons to save an additional $.40 on 1.  Kraft Cheese Shreds only 2 for $4 with printable coupon you save additional $1 on 2.  Wholly Guacamole, was a qualifying purchase with the above meal, add it to this creation for extra flavor!
FROM STOCK:  Toss some left over lettuce and tomato on top, add a dab of Prairie Farms sour cream from last week's buy and you have a nice nacho supreme meal.

Meal #3 Spaghetti & Meatballs
BUY:  Prego jars of pasta sauce.  $1.88 is a great price.  Use $1 on 2 booklet coupons to save more.  Pick up one jar for this meal, and others for future pasta creations. Texas Toast garlic bread sticks are on sale for $2.19, use newspaper coupon to save an additional $.40 on 1. You'll need some more ground beef, and you'll want to be sure you've got 4 total pounds this week to cover these meals.
FROM STOCK:  Creamette pasta was only $1 per pound a couple weeks ago.  Pull one pound out for this meal. Use your stock of Dutch Farms Parmeassan cheese from July's buying. Smuckers grape jelly was only $.99 two weeks ago.  Use with bread crumbs to make your meatballs.

Ribeyes are a great buy this week, if you've been coupon cooking, you already have plenty of sides to add to this meal.  Pick up a couple for Saturday night. 

PANTRY STOCK:  These items you should buy this week, to make future meals.  Savings on these pantry items will save you with each meal you prepare in the future. 
  • Flavorite Olive Oil is only $3.99
  • Van Kamp's pork n beans only $.59 per can

  • Ground Beef.  You can have the butcher package your beef in convenient 1 or 2 pound packages for quick and easy meals.  OR, buy a large economy pack and split your own.  I use Ziploc containers so I can use the containers repeatedly.  One pound fits perfectly and the seal tight lid prevents freezer burn for up to 6 months.  This is a great price, we probably won't see it again for a few months.  How many meals will you prepare in 4 months at a higher price if you do not stock up now? 
  • Kraft Cheese at 2 for $4 with printable coupons, we should be stocking this item for future meals. Cheese is an easy freeze, and most families will easily use 1.5 bags per week.  To plan for the next 13 weeks, shoot for 18 items. If you're new to coupon cooking, plan for 6 weeks and purchase 9. 

For additions Print N Save Coupons:
Coupon Clipping Services:

All internet coupon print limits are subjective. At the time of this email coupons were available for print. If the daily or weekly print limit has been reached, the coupon will be automatically pulled from the websites. You can try to print again tomorrow. All coupons listed are not available in our stores. We list them so you can order or find them to save you money. Check with clipping services, trade boards, or ebay to find coupons not in your store. It is our intent to help you find as many savings opportunities as possible. Enjoy!